07484 685345
Ask the facilities team what their least favourite maintenance task is and the answer is usually “dealing with blocked urinals”.
Urinal maintenance is often ignored or neglected, so when problems occur it is time consuming and messy to resolve and can result in costly repairs. Furthermore, if the urinals pipes have backed up and overflowed from the urinals onto the floor there is the likelihood that this will become ingrained into the fabric of the building. If not adequately addressed at the time of the problem then stale odours will eventually become apparent. A closed washroom is also a source of annoyance for employees who have to use alternative facilities.
Even with the best cleaning and maintenance regime it is not possible to completely eliminate the chance of urinals giving grief at some time. When urinals are properly installed, cleaned and maintained the chances of them becoming blocked or smelly is very much reduced.
Oxhand Ltd have a level of Maintenance Service designed to keep your urinals running, whether or not your urinals are fitted with urinal maintenance products.
One-off visits to check and report on urinal health.
Flow test urinals for speed of drainage.
Clean through traps & waste pipes to the nearest soil pipe.
Check flush performance - sparge pipes, cistern and flush controllers.
Check for leaks from traps and other pipe connections. Replace seals as necessary.
Quarterly Service - For urinals which are not fitted with urinal maintenance products:
Flow test urinals for speed of drainage.
Periodic clean through traps & waste pipes to the nearest soil pipe.
Check flush performance - sparge pipes, cistern and flush controllers.
Check for leaks from traps and other pipe connections. Replace seals as necessary.
Quarterly Service - For urinals which are fitted with waterless or low flush urinal maintenance cartridges.
Check traps and pipes and remove any scale and sludge build-up
Check flush performance - sparge pipes, cistern and flush controllers.
Check for leaks from traps and other pipe connections. Replace seals as necessary.
Replace cartridges.
Dose with bactericidal cleaner / deodoriser.